Hoe werkt het in jullie zonnestudio?

How does it work in your tanning studio?

Welcome to Sunvillage tanning studio - Your Sunny Destination!

At Sunvillage we want to offer you a relaxing and safe tanning experience. Our staffed tanning studio guarantees a careful and personal approach, so you can enjoy the benefits of the tanning bed with confidence.

How does it work in our tanning studio?

Personal Intake and Skin Analysis: Prior to your first tanning session, we do a personal intake. During this session we analyze your skin type and discuss your sun needs. This information helps us put together a tailor-made sun treatment for you.

Expert Advice: Our trained employees are ready to provide you with expert advice. Whether it concerns the correct tanning time, the use of care products, or questions about tanning beds - we are there to guide and support you.

Tanning Bed Sessions: Choose your desired tanning bed and enjoy a comfortable session. Our employees are happy to help you set the correct time and intensity, based on your skin type and sun wishes.

Responsible Sun Behavior: We strive for responsible sun behavior. Our staff in our tanning studio is always ready to answer any questions and inform you about the optimal tanning experience.

Hygiene and Comfort: Our tanning studio is cleaned daily and all tanning beds are disinfected by our employees after each use. We value a clean and comfortable environment so that you can enjoy your tanning session with peace of mind.

Advice on Aftercare: After your tanning session, we are happy to provide you with advice on aftercare, including the use of after-sun and care products to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

You can visit our tanning studio during our opening hours without an appointment .

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